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The Best Ways to Learn Java Programming

There’s no shortage of reasons for why learning Java is compelling. Even if you’re a beginner, Java has become one of the most popular programming languages due to its affinity, versatility, and reliability. Java is one of the only programs that can run on every computer without altering its performance. 

Here are some of the most effective ways to learn Java: 

The Harmony Between Theory and Practice 

As you’ve probably already heard, balance is everything in life. When learning something, while it’s important to retain as much information from the basics or the foundation, it’s just as crucial to apply knowledge. Avoid too much theory at the cost of practicing it. Reading lots of Java books and watching videos won’t help you actually write the program. 

If you try to understand everything at once before practicing, you’ll feel overwhelmed, and you’ll most likely make more mistakes when working on the code. Start by reading small parts at a time, and then applying what you’ve learned by coding. The secret behind mastery is that you’ll learn as you go, and that practice really makes perfect!

Set Your Milestones and Schedule 

Establishing your milestones and goals can push you to celebrate even the smallest wins. In return, you’ll feel more accomplished and satisfied with gradual progress versus waiting impatiently for the final result. It’s important also to note that jumping around from skill to skill is not an effective way to learn and can lead to confusion.

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Once you’ve chosen a specific language (in this case, Java), keep your momentum by working through your schedule seven days a week. If you need to tone it down, you can increase the number of hours during the day to have a few free days. This means that instead of practicing half an hour a day per week, you would be practicing two hours a day for two to three days. 

If you notice that your motivation is running low, remind yourself of why you wanted to learn Java in the first place and how it will help you in the future. If you’re halfway there, take a look at your list of milestones and remind yourself that you’re almost there. 

Communicate and Ask Questions

No one wants to sit in a dark corner and feel overwhelmed when learning something new. It’s okay and even obligatory to ask all of the questions you need. By seeking answers and interacting with other students, you’ll feel more confident and excited about the success of your project. 

Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t have the answer or don’t know how to resolve something challenging. Building a sense of trust and acceptance when learning something new can certainly make or break your experience. Build a sense of community for yourself and make sure you understand everything before moving on to another concept or module. 

Make Mistakes

When learning a new language, especially in programming, many students fear making mistakes and having to debug errors. It’s completely natural to worry about failing or not getting it right the first time, but it can also be overwhelming. Aim for an encouraging mindset by accepting that mistakes are inevitable in the learning process. 

If you’re thinking twice about moving forward to an unknown territory, seek another student or instructor, and don’t be afraid to voice your concerns. Don’t feel pressured if you notice others are ahead of you or seem to learn slightly faster. Focus on your own progress and learn from your mistakes to avoid making them again. In no time, you’ll be mastering Java.

Learn Java This Summer

Now that you’re armed with some of the best strategies and tips to help you learn Java, it’s time to find the right training. When it comes to learning a new language, having the right guidance is crucial. Look for summer camps tailored to give you personalized attention, highly-trained instructors, and guidance on portfolio building. NextGen Bootcamp gives you just that and much more. Choose the perfect course for you from our suite of summer coding camps in NYC and coding camps in New Jersey.

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